
(Presented by Lisa Bishop)

If you were to take a step back and notice some of the habits in your life, what would you see? The other day I got out of bed at my typical 6am wake-up time. For the past several years I have disciplined myself to get up early, and now I don’t even need an alarm clock. That has not always been the case! It required creating habits one day and action at a time. I’ve also made it my daily morning routine to drink a glass of water and read my Bible, and workout three or four times week for 30 minutes. Getting in some physical activity in the morning helps me tremendously not only physically but also mentally and emotionally.

If I am honest sometimes the last thing I want to do is roll out of bed and pull up a HIIT video on YouTube. But in those moments, if I do what I feel like doing instead of staying the course, committed to my goals, it can be easy for me to fall off the workout wagon and lack the diligence of being disciplined.

As you reflect on your life, what area might be suffering due to a lack of discipline? In other words, what habits are working for you…or not? Some habits in your life are productive and beneficial and some are downright destructive and can detour you from the person you want to be and the goals you want to achieve. For example, creating the habit of eating healthy and working out can prove to be beneficial. The habit of being reactive and easily offended or angered, not so much. Repeated actions, reactions, and choices become engrained and turn into habits whether intentional or not.

When you consciously and deliberately exert discipline, you train yourself to establish desired habits that lead to desired outcomes in your life, work, and relationships. And as a follower of Jesus, you need to discipline yourself with the truth of God’s Word so that your character is molded and shaped to Jesus and your behaviors reflect his divine nature.

For example, are you in the habit of extending forgiveness or do you hold onto resentment? Do you practice humility or are you prideful or boastful? Are you easily put off if someone has a differing viewpoint or opinion or do you listen and show respect for the other person? When a person does or says something that needs to be addressed, do you demonstrate courage and have direct conversations, or do you gossip about them behind their back?

Ultimately as followers of Jesus, we should lead disciplined lives—set apart from the patterns of the world. Not only does your spiritual thriving count on it, but your witness does also. If you have behaviors that mimic the sinfulness of the world, your spiritual ability to reach others is lost. Instead, strive to be a signpost to Jesus and live a disciplined life. A life of holiness that shines in the darkness and stands in contrast to the behavior of the surrounding culture. As you live disciplined and set apart in your lifestyle, you will draw attention to Jesus.