
The last body part to present is probably the most important. You pray: “Here’s my heart, Lord. Put in my heart your love and compassion for all the people I will see today.” Do you find it difficult to like some of the people you deal with each day? All of us do, don’t we? But with our hearts given to God as living sacrifices, then he is free to give us his love for people, and we’ll start to discover that we care about people we never cared about before.

Then close by saying, “Lord, I present my body to you as a sacrifice that will live for you today, not for me. I do this by faith and trust you for the reality.” It’s important that you understand we do this by faith. There may be absolutely no feelings associated with it. But God will honor that obedience on your part and you’ll be amazed to see the changes that start to happen in your life.

I believe you will be much more aware when your feet are trying to take you somewhere you shouldn’t go; when you’re doing something with your hands that is not Christ-honoring; when your eyes and ears are focused on things that are harmful; when your tongue is saying words it should not say, when your mind is dwelling on the wrong things; when your heart is not loving and kind toward others.

I would encourage you to take the Word of God literally, and put every part of your body before the Lord as a sacrifice. If you’ll sincerely do that on a regular basis, you’re going to discover that you’ll be learning what it means to present your body as a living sacrifice. And you’ll discover how exciting and rewarding it is to see that God can and does use you in ways you never imagined.