
We’re continuing our story of Fran and Jesus on the Job. Barry, Fran’s friend, just lost a new account, and it’s become obvious that he lost it because of his strong Christian principles. Fran has had more trouble accepting this than Barry, but after talking to Jesus, she realizes this is not a fight that can be undertaken with the weapons of the world, but it must be fought with prayer.

Now, this Saturday morning, Fran is thinking of what she can do to lift Barry’s spirit, and she gets an idea. She calls Barry and says, “Hey, instead of going out to dinner tonight, let me prepare a quiet dinner for the two of us and we’ll have our own little celebration, to celebrate the victory that God is going to win for you!”

“Hey, Fran,” Barry says, “you’re a doll to think of that, but did you forget—we promised Max and Claire that we’d have dinner with them and catch a movie.”

“Oh, right,” Fran says, “I did forget. Bummer! I’d much rather have a quiet celebration with you.”

“Yeah, me too,” Barry says, “but Max and Claire are new at church, and we need to get to know them better.”

So, Fran gets busy with all her Saturday chores and errands before time to go out. They meet Max and Claire at a nice little Italian restaurant and enjoy some good pasta and then leave for the movie.

“Hey, what movie do you want to go to?” Barry asks.

Max suggests a movie rated PG-13 and they agree it sounds okay.

But Fran has a funny feeling in her stomach. Hollywood isn’t trustworthy and sometimes their PG-13s are more like R-rated, and she’s concerned about this one since she doesn’t know anything about it.

As they wait in line for tickets, Fran says to Barry on the side, “I wonder about this movie, don’t you, Barry? What if it’s no good?”

“We’ll leave,” Barry says quietly.

“Well, we can’t just leave Max and Claire,” Fran says, somewhat startled.

“We don’t watch junk, right Fran,” Barry says as he takes her arm and they go into the theater.

Well, Fran wanted a strong man with lots of character—I’d say Barry seems to be living up to her expectations!