
We hear a lot about peace, don’t we? From the proclamation of the angels to the shepherds at the birth of Jesus—”Peace on earth, good will to men”—to our daily news broadcasts, peace is a frequent topic, and there’s no doubt that most people want to have peace on earth.

But you know, peace is not something that can be declared or legislated. True peace is a heart condition, and each individual has the choice to be at peace with others or not. Just think, if every individual decided to be a peaceful person, to never harm anyone else, to do everything he or she could to promote peace, well, we would have peace on earth.

Obviously, you and I have little influence on world peace. But we have great influence on our own environments, whether they are peaceful or not. So, I thought we should talk about peace in our individual worlds. How can we promote peace?

Let me begin by asking: Are you a peacemaker or a peacekeeper? There is a difference, you know. Peacemaking is something every Christian should be very good at doing. We are called to be peacemakers. Jesus said that people who make peace are blessed, and will be called “children of God.”

Peacekeepers, on the other hand, often just want peace at any price. That can lead to compromising and lowering standards and going along to get along, just to keep the peace. So, we need to know the difference between being a peacemaker and a peacekeeper.

A peacemaker is one who makes peace where there is none. I’m sure you have many opportunities to make peace if you recognize them and take advantage of them.