
Do you ever go to God for help in a faithless panic? I certainly can remember doing that at times when I’ve been at the end of my own rope, and in panic rather than in faith, I’ve run to God for help.

Recently I was comparing two stories in Matthew 8. The first is the story of the Centurion who asked Jesus to heal his servant. You remember that the Centurion insisted that Jesus could heal his servant simply by speaking a word, he didn’t need to come to his house. The Centurion had faith to believe that Jesus had the power to simply speak healing to his servant who was miles away. When Jesus heard this, he said, “I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith” (Matthew 8:10).

You see, this Centurion was not an Israelite, yet he believed in Jesus. And Jesus commends him for his faith, and heals his servant as requested.

A short time later, the disciples come to Jesus in a panic. Jesus was asleep in the boat, and a squall comes up quickly which threatens to overturn the boat and drown them all. They come in great fear, begging Jesus to do something if he can. And Jesus says to them “You of little faith. Why are you so afraid?” (Matthew 8:26).

Interesting that the Centurion was commended for his faith and the disciples are confronted for their lack of faith. Both needed help. Both sought help from Jesus. Jesus responded to both requests. But one was a request of faith, and one was a faithless cry of panic.

The Centurion expected Jesus to heal his servant, even long distance. The disciples were amazed that Jesus could calm the storm. The Centurion only knew Jesus from afar by reputation. The disciples had spent much time with him. Yet, the Centurion showed great faith. He came with his need, but he brought expectation along with the need. The disciples came with their need but they thought this storm was too much for Jesus. They really didn’t expect him to do what he did.

How about you and me? Jesus invites us to come with our needs, but he loves to see faith along with it. The next time you’re in a panic situation and you need Jesus’ deliverance, come with faith believing that he will hear and answer. He loves to see us come to him by faith. It pleases him to see that we have faith in him. In fact, without faith, it’s impossible to please him.