
Do you believe that the God we Christians worship, the God of the Bible, is the only true God, that he has all power and authority, that he has all wisdom and knowledge, that he is holy and perfect and does not make mistakes? Certainly this is what the Bible tells us, but what I’m asking you is, do you truly believe God is like that?

It may be that you have given intellectual consent to the Bible’s teaching about God, but that belief has never become a gripping reality in your everyday life.

If you are convinced that God’s character, power and personality are as stated, the next important issue to understand is how this God feels about you. After all, you are but a spec in this great mass of humanity. Do you make any difference to God?

Let me remind you of a few Scriptures that tell us how God feels about you individually. Matthew 10:30 tells us “And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” Every time you brush your hair and see the hairs in your brush or on the floor, you should be reminded that God has just recomputed all those lost hairs, and he’s keeping a running total at all times! Who else would care how many hairs are on your head? We read that he cares about worthless, colorless sparrows and knows each one that falls to the ground. Can you not believe God cares even much more about you?

We read in Zephaniah 3:17: “The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.” Did you know that God delights in you and sings over you? Isn’t that incredible?

There are many passages in the Bible that tell us clearly that the God of all the universe cares about each of us individually, knows us intimately, and wants for us only his highest and best. His plans for you are good plans.

Now, if you’re with me this far—if you believe that God has all power, wisdom, knowledge and authority, and in addition, he loves you and cares about your good—here’s the next logical conclusion that those beliefs lead to: God’s plans for you are always superior to any other plans.

You can trust him and his plans for your life without any hesitation. Not only can you trust him, but it is the only logical thing to do. Why would you want to trust anyone less—even yourself? If your trust is in anyone besides God, you’re settling for so much less than you should.

If you’re afraid to trust God, then something must be wrong in either your understanding of who God is or how he feels about you. Or else your belief is just a head belief, and it hasn’t yet changed your heart.