
(presented by Lisa Bishop)

Have you ever heard the saying, “Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change.”

In other words, sometimes the pain of staying stuck in the same old place needs to be greater than the temporary suffering the change itself may induce.

Maybe you have been thinking of making a career change, taking better care of yourself physically and mentally, or giving up unhealthy or ungodly habits that no longer serve you or honor God. But up until now you have not been willing to lean into what will be required to change. Because let’s face it, change, even positive change, can cause a degree of suffering, and who likes suffering?

That’s something we try to avoid in life. Often with change comes suffering because it requires some type of sacrifice. We need to give something up to invite the new in. Such as giving up comfort, time, being right, being liked, a feeling of security. Change often demands reordering of priorities.

And often, in order to embrace change, we also need to be willing to embrace discomfort and a letting go.

When I think of life as a follower of Jesus it is a life where we are constantly growing and changing. Once we are “in Christ,” everything changes. Our ideas change. Our perspective changes. Our values and actions change to line up with God’s Word. As the Holy Spirit works within us we find, as 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “the old has gone, the new is here!” And we are commanded to walk in the newness of life. The Christian life is an ongoing series of changes as we grow in knowledge, faith, and holiness. As we grow in Christ, growth requires change.

What change have you felt a nudge towards making in your life? Where do you sense God calling you to let go of the old to walk in the new? Remember that God will never contradict his Word so whatever change you are feeling led to, know that God will not ask you to do something that goes against holiness, righteousness, and the truth and instruction of the Bible.

Where is God calling you out of your comfort zone and into trusting him? What pain of change are you willing to endure to experience growth and transformation?

Take some time to get quiet with God. Seek his Holy Spirit for wisdom and courage, ask Jesus to help you as you say “yes” to the change he is calling you to.