
(presented by Lisa Bishop)

We all experience change. If we didn’t we would not be growing, life would be stagnant. When I think about change there are two categories that come to mind. Change that we initiate or change that we experience being thrust upon us that isn’t necessarily welcomed.

I know quite a few people who are in the midst of a career change. Some friends have lost their jobs, while others have decided to leave their current job for something new. Change can be exciting. It can also be scary. Change can feel liberating, it can also be anxiety producing, regardless of whether or not you initiated it.

In the course of life, one thing is true…change is inevitable. So, the question is, what do we do when change feels overwhelming?

One thing is to follow the old saying, “Take it one day at a time.” While it is important to have vision for the future, and an overall direction for where our next phase of life or career is headed, it can oftentimes feel overwhelming when we just focus on the big picture. We can feel flustered, frustrated, and even a little bit paralyzed.

As you experience life change, ask yourself, “What can I do today to move me towards my vision and goals? What action step can I take now that will propel me in the direction of what is next?”

For example, if you are in the midst of a job search and find yourself panicking about the future, what are the steps you can take today? Maybe it’s getting help writing your resume or applying for five jobs online. Perhaps it’s taking a course that will help you to be marketable or reaching out to friends to help you make connections in your field of interest. Maybe it’s going to a networking function. When the future feels overwhelming, daunting, and even impossible, approach it by taking on just a little at a time.

And if you are currently in a space of fear, anxiety and overwhelmed, remember to anchor yourself in Jesus. While your circumstances may be changing and uncertain, remind yourself of this truth from Hebrews 13:8: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” While the future may feel uncertain in the midst of change, Jesus never changes. He is faithful and trustworthy. He is a reliable companion in the midst of life altering change. Jesus is with you and will help you. The Holy Spirit will give you wisdom when you ask him.