
What is your impossibility? What are you up against that has you totally defeated? The story about Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, found in 2 Chronicles 20, is wonderful because it gives some important principles to follow when we don’t know what to do. Do you really want to let God take control? If so, follow Jehoshaphat’s plan and begin by:

  1. Reciting out loud who God is.
  2. Remembering what he has done for you.
  3. Recalling his promises to you.
  4. Restating the problem, spelling it out.
  5. Releasing it to God’s solution.
  6. Rejoicing that he has already heard and answered.

The seventh R – Rest

Now, there’s one more R that is the result of following this formula.

“And the kingdom of Jehoshaphat was at peace, for his God had given him rest on every side.” (2 Chronicles 20:30).

Are you in need of some rest? Are you tired of trying to fight your own battles? Are you weary of losing them? Maybe it’s time you followed Jehoshaphat’s example and release the problem to God and let him fight the battle for you. You do have to show up; you do have to obey; you do have to march to the battlefield. But you don’t have to fight. It’s God’s fight, not yours. But first you must let go and give him control.

I want you to know that I practice these seven R’s frequently, and when I do, I always find it gives me guidance and strength. It’s a great way to endure in the midst of a difficult situation. But mostly, it’s a great way to show God that you trust him.

(Click here to download the Seven R’s reminder card.)

(Click here to download the message for the entire week.)