
There are some unusual examples of women in Scripture who broke the molds of their day, were mightily blessed, and used by God, and fulfilled God’s purpose in their lives by breaking out of traditional roles.

This is a topic we struggle with in many Christian circles today, and you’ll find a different viewpoint for almost every person you talk with. As a woman who has personally struggled with the boxes others have built for me, I’ve really tried to get a biblical perspective. Admittedly, that’s not easy to do, because all of us face these questions with our personal biases and mindsets.

But I’ve concluded that God, in his infinite creativity, has cast some women into positions and roles that are different, just as he has done with some men. For years as a young woman I felt that God must have made a mistake to give me the kind of personality and qualities that I possess. From my experience in Christian circles, it seemed that I would have been better off with a different personality, one less assertive, without leadership tendencies; that quiet and meek spirit which Peter talks about and I interpreted as meaning you kept your mouth shut at all times.

Without expressing it, I simply felt like a square peg in a round hole very often. I felt I had to suppress the natural tendencies I had and constantly try to be like other women who seemed to fit better into the expectations of what a Christian woman should be. That was a mistaken understanding on my part.

I now realize that God knew exactly what he was doing when he made me the way I am, and if it doesn’t fit some man-made boxes, that simply is not my concern. My mind is to be set on following Jesus, without any thought about whether that takes me in traditional or non-traditional paths. He has called me to be a disciple, I am responsible for fulfilling the great commission in my own life, and I must faithfully focus on what God wants me to do. The Bible gives me guidelines, but I am not bound to the traditions and biases of others.

Neither am I called to be a troublemaker; to prove that women are qualified; to change the mind of those who disagree. That is God’s business, not mine.

If you find yourself struggling with your non-traditional role, I want to encourage you to make sure your motivation and your commitment are single-focused on Jesus, and then follow him, wherever that takes you. God will continue to call some women to be mold-breakers, as he has throughout the history of the Church.

As long as we keep our eyes fixed on following Jesus, wherever it leads, we’re free from the boxes and expectations of others; free to be a slave of Jesus Christ.

(Click here to download the message for the entire week.)