
Do we really need self-confidence? As we’ve looked at the Apostle Peter and his example as well as other Scriptures, self-confidence is not what we need. Indeed, it tends to fail us just when we need it the most. What we truly need is God-confidence.

Why would we want to run on self-confidence when God-confidence is available to us? Can we doubt that God-confidence has much more to offer and self-confidence is unreliable? Then why do we run back to the world’s weak and miserable principles?

May I suggest that it is because the philosophy of self-confidence looks good, and it appears to work for some people. So, we swallow the bait, and are deceived again by the master-liar, the father of lies, our enemy, Satan.

If you’re still running on self-confidence, you can either make a choice to abandon it, or you can keep on until it runs out of gas on its own, which it will eventually do. Maybe that’s happened to you already, and you’re now wallowing in the shambles of that failed self-confidence. Either way, if you will choose God-confidence, it can be yours.

To have God-confidence, you must first have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, which requires repentance and a turning away from your sins. Then, you must pursue knowing God as your highest priority. You must be willing to allow the Holy Spirit to control your life, and that is your choice.

That will not happen by accident; it will happen as you purpose in your heart to know God. I can assure you of this, the more you know him, the more confidence you will have in him. The more his Word is the central focus of your existence, the more confident you will be.

So, I encourage you to abandon your quest for self-confidence. Pursue, instead, a dedicated commitment to know God and have his confidence dwelling in you. Like Peter, you will see a transformation in your life when you go from operating on self-confidence to operating on God-confidence.

(Click here if you would like to download the entire message for this week.)