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We had such a great morning on Saturday, July 17th,  listening to Afton Rorvik explaining what living connected is like being an introvert. The feedback we received was very positive! We even heard from some extroverts who told us how much they learned!

You can listen to the recorded message below.

Afton was gracious enough to share a sample chapter (for free) from her upcoming book, “Living Connected” which comes out the first week in October.

You can pre-order your copy here: https://www.amazon.com/Living-Connected-Introverts-Guide-Friendship/dp/156309536X/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=afton+rorvik&qid=1626710493&sr=8-1

God wired us all differently, some introverts, some extroverts, and some a mixture of both. And yet God calls us all to live connected. How can we do that well, even we introverts who have rather enjoyed this year of social distancing? 

About Afton:

“I savor words, flavored coffee, time outside, and living connected. Although I am an introvert, I have come to realize that what really matters in life is people and faith in Jesus, which gives me the strength and courage to live connected.” ~Afton~
