It is our honor to pray for you!

The staff at the Christian Working Woman meet on a regular basis to pray for these requests listed below. Would you partner with us as we uphold one another in prayer? Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).


Please pray that God would lead Jacquie to a great job. Her place of business closed. She has been through such difficult times in her life that this blessing of a good job would be of great encouragement to her.


My brother is squeezing us out of what little inheritance is left after another brother swindled our elderly father. Please pray God brings conviction and leads me to do the right thing. I just lost my job; I’m older and will have a hard time finding another one at the income I need to live where I am.


Prayer for the safety of all back-to-school students, teachers, and support staff.


Please pray for the salvation of many in my family and friends. Pray that they will see the futility of their lives without Christ.


Friends, pray to the Lord for the protection of my family in Santiago, Chile.


I need prayer for my spiritual life. I’ve been struggling for quite some time with being tempted by the enemy saying that I’m not a Christian and all the other things that go with it. I deal with depression and anxiety; I need deliverance from all the negativity, and I asked the Lord for more faith and trust in him.


Pray for a fulfilling life with a loving husband, good friends and family who appreciate me. I often feel isolated. Help me to give all my battles to the Lord and not pick them up to fix them-especially salvation and deliverance for my niece.


Rescue Viola and Jhana from sexual abuse, human abuse, and abduction. Pray for God to deliver and heal them and bring them to salvation.

Michelle Ann

Please pray for Garrett, who is addicted to sin and needs to turn to Jesus for his salvation.


1) Pray that my son comes back to the church and finds peace and happiness in following our God’s command.
2) I’m starting a business, l need prayers for everything to go well and I can be a blessing to others.
3) Pray for my spiritual growth.


Please pray that God restores our lives, love and hearts. Pray that the Holy Spirit will protect us and give us favor and blessings.


Please pray for me to wait for the man God has for me and for all soul-ties to be broken off of my life and freedom from night attacks.