

Life does teach us some lessons, does it not? I’m sharing ten life lessons that God has taught me along the way.

Life Lesson No. 3:  Pay off your credit cards every month.

Financial troubles affect every area of our lives, and most people’s financial troubles begin with that plastic credit card.  The credit card companies make it easier and easier for us to get a card and then they do everything to encourage us to use it, and then just pay the minimum each month.  That is a recipe for financial disaster.

No doubt some of you are in financial trouble now because you’ve got so much credit card debt.  What do you do?  First, stop using that credit card.  Look at where your money is going, and eliminate those things you don’t absolutely have to have.  Then stop buying things you really don’t need until you have paid off those credit cards.  And believe me, we all need a lot less than we think we do.

Credit cards are convenient, especially for travel, but I’ve had a rule for years that I must pay off my credit card bill every month.  I just refuse to pay any interest.  That puts controls on what I spend.  One of the biggest favors you can do for yourself is to wipe out that credit card debt and then pay it off in full every month.

Life Lesson No. 4:  Save something from every paycheck.

Frankly, I have not followed this principle all my life; I wish I had.  But it’s never too late, and I practice this faithfully now.  The secret is to have money taken out of your paycheck or your checking account every month—before you see it.  I don’t care how small it is, make yourself start the habit of saving some money out of every paycheck, and put that money in an account that you don’t touch.  Just forget it’s there.

Financial experts tell us we should have six months of expenses saved up for emergencies.  Now, I know it will take you awhile to get there, but you’ll never get there if you don’t start.  So, make yourself begin with your next paycheck to save some money, and teach this principle to your children.  Of course, giving to God is the first thing we should do with our paychecks.  He should get the first fruits of everything he has given to us, and ten percent is a good standard to use.

You know, the Bible has more to say about money than almost any other topic.  That’s because where our money is indicates where our heart is!  I promise you, if you will pray about this and get serious about getting your financial house in order, you are going to be so glad you did.  It will take so much stress and strain out of your life.  I encourage you to do it.