

Do you like turnips? I doubt that turnips are your favorite vegetable. Whether or not you like turnips, there are some “turnips” that you need in your life’s garden: turn up with a smile, turn up for church, and turn up with a commitment to excellence.

“Turnip” with a smile. A smile is one of the most effective tools you and I have to bring about change. It is a change agent, and yet few of us use it very often. It won’t cost us a thing to smile, but it could cost us if we don’t.

Proverbs 15:30 says, “A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.” The look on our faces can bring joy to the heart of those around us, even to strangers we meet in our day’s work. This is something I have to work at because I tend to be so focused on the task at hand that I simply forget to smile. I have started praying that God would help me to be more conscious of smiling; when I do that, it really makes a difference.

Wherever you have to go, turn up with a smile and see how it changes the atmosphere around you.

“Turnip” for church. Some Christians seem to have a take-it-or-leave-it attitude toward church attendance. If they feel good, if they get up in time, if they like the preacher, or if the music suits them, they go to church. But if they’ve had a rough week, somebody hurt their feelings, or they just don’t feel so good, they find it very easy to skip church.

In Hebrews 10:25 we are told, “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Are you in the habit of turning up for church? I hope so. It’s one “turnip” you definitely need in your garden.

“Turnip” with excellence. It’s easy to get in the “this is the way we’ve always done it” rut. I challenge you to look at every job and responsibility you have—at home, at work, at church—and ask yourself, “Is there any ‘wow’ in it? What could I do to really spark this thing up and make it excellent?” It makes life so much more interesting to turn up with excellence, and it is of far greater glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.

So, along with your three rows of “peas,” “squash,” and “lettuce,” don’t forget to plant your three rows of “turnips” in your life’s garden.