

Did you ever work with a Christian who didn’t behave like a Christian?  Lots of us have, and knowing how to deal with that is not easy. We continue our story of Fran and Jesus on the Job, as Fran is dealing with Jack, a coworker who is very vocal about being a Christian, but dishonest and unethical in his dealings with others.

As Fran is getting ready to leave the office, who but Jack walks in.  “Hi, Fran, how’s my sister in Christ today?”

Fran gives him a look that could kill.  “You know, Jack,” she says, “it’s great to talk about your faith in Jesus openly like you do, but one thing I try to do is practice what I preach.”

“Yeah, me too, Fran,” Jack says, undaunted.  “Gotta walk it before you talk it.  Listen, we’re having a big concert at our church this weekend.  I’ve invited the whole department, so try to make it, okay?  See ya’, Fran,” and with that, he leaves.

Fran is steaming.  “He’s invited the whole department—like he’s some great Christian.  He’s just a big hypocrite, that’s all he is.”  She grabs her things and leaves the office.

On the way home, Fran begins to think about Jack.  Again, the Spirit of God convicts her about the way she responded to Jack.  The verse comes to her mind where Jesus said that the world would know we are his disciples if we love each other.  There’s a tug of war going on inside Fran.  She knows her attitude toward Jack is wrong, but she just can’t stand to see him behave the way he does and get by with it.

She starts to talk to the Lord about him.  “Lord, I love him, but…”

“But what?” she thinks.

In the quiet of the car, Fran begins to think about her pride, reacting as though she was the perfect Christian and Jack was going to spoil all she’s done.  And then actually being jealous because he invited the whole department, and she’s never had the nerve to do something like that.  She is ashamed to see what is in her heart.  “Oh, Lord,” she says to Jesus, “I was so prideful and arrogant in my response to Jack.  You said to cast the plank out of my own eye before I look at the speck of sawdust in my brother’s eye (Matthew. 7:3).  I’m sorry.”

Immediately that inner peace comes as she surrenders to God’s Spirit and does what Jesus wants her to do.  “I guess there’s no way I can help Jack as long as my own heart is judgmental and angry.  Lord, please show me how you want me to respond to Jack.  I’m ready to do it your way,” Fran prays.