

Here’s another episode of Fran and Jesus on the Job. This is a series I began many years ago, as a way to teach the wonderful principle of practicing the presence of Jesus and seeking his guidance for every aspect of our lives, especially on our jobs.

In this episode we’re looking at Fran’s difficulty to set reasonable boundaries in her life—in many areas—with friends, with a coworker and even with her manager. Now, it’s Friday and Fran is running on fumes.

“Thank God it’s Friday,” she says to herself.

“There’s nothing on the calendar for the weekend. So, I can sleep late, get stuff done at home and take it easy. And I promised the kids we’d do something fun tomorrow, whatever they would like to do.”

Then, at about 3:00 she sees a text from her Pastor asking that she help with a special event at church tomorrow. He writes,

Fran, I know this is a late request, but did you know that Courtney Trent’s mother died suddenly—heart attack, I think—and so she’s not able to do the registration for our equipping class tomorrow. We’ve got over 200 people registered, and I need someone who knows the program and the software, and can handle the registration process calmly and efficiently. That, of course, is you. Again, sorry for the late request, but I’m sure hoping and praying you can do it. Let me know as soon as possible. Thanks, Pastor Paul.

“Well,” Fran says to herself, “how do you say no to that? I’m so sorry for Courtney. It’s certainly not Pastor’s fault that this request is so late—and for sure he needs help. It is church work, after all, so I just think I have to buck up and do it. Some weeks are just like this and you just need to get through them. Of course I’ll help him.” And so she sends a response that assures Pastor Paul she’ll be there.

Now she has to break the news to her kids and disappoint them, work late on Friday to get her Saturday chores done, and try to get a few hours of sleep before heading off to church.

What a week! Have you found yourself in some similar tough weeks? Next we’ll look at what causes Fran to continually exceed reasonable boundaries. It might be helpful for you, too.