
What wrong decision are you now living with? I can assure you that I have made some wrong decisions along the way. Who hasn’t? So, let’s talk about living with wrong decisions.

The Bible gives us examples of people who made very wrong decisions.


Starting with Eve: Her wrong decision is infamous. Eve was ushered into a perfect world. No pain, no relationship problems, no hard work, no stress, no bad hair days—nothing bad, everything good. Eve belies the philosophy that if we give people the right environment, they will be good people and do the right thing. In the midst of Eden, she made a very wrong, very bad decision—to eat the forbidden fruit.

Why did she do this? Because she wasn’t content with what she had. You see, we often think that if our circumstances were just more favorable, we’d be content. But I want to tell you this: If you’re not content with where you are now, you’re not likely to be content even if your circumstances improve.

If you’re not content as a single person, you won’t be content as a married one. If you’re not content in the house you’re in now, you won’t be content in a bigger, better house. If you’re not content with your mate the way he or she is, you won’t be content with another one. If you’re not content in the job where you are now, you probably won’t be content with a better job.

Contentment is a choice we make, not a set of circumstances. The Apostle Paul wrote: “I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances,” (Philippians 4:11b). and you can learn contentment, too. Any area of your life where you are not now contented is a potential danger area—ripe for bad decisions.

With what or whom are you discontent? Your job? Your looks? Your financial situation? Your mate? Your lack of a mate? Your children or lack of children? If you don’t learn to be content, you will walk right into a danger zone and that’s when you are most likely to make bad decisions.