
In Revelation 2, we see what Jesus says to the church in Pergamum, “I know where you live—where Satan has his throne. Yet you remain true to my name” (Revelation 2:13a). I can relate to that church, can’t you? We live in a foreign land where temporarily Satan is in charge. And sometimes it feels like we’re aliens from Mars or something, because we are often out of place in this satanically-controlled world.

But Jesus says to us what he said to the church in Pergamum: I know where you livein the midst of a society that laughs at God’s principles of sexual purity. Dear friends, we must not let this world system shove us into its mold when it comes to sexual principles and standards.

I remember when thousands of young people in Florida made a pledge to live celibate, pure lives, and not have sex until married. The media hardly covered the story, and when they did, it was as though these were just a small group of weird young people making this ridiculous pledge to live a pure sexual life.

The world actually believes it’s not only ridiculous, but impossible to live by Christian principles regarding sex. When we suggest that teaching abstinence before marriage is the best way to be healthy and contented, they react with condescension and disbelief. You can’t expect people to abstain from sex, they say, just because they’re not married.

May I say something very clear and plain: It is certainly possible for unmarried people to live celibate lives. That is not mission impossible, and it is not weird. Oh, it will take discipline and self-control, but anything worthwhile requires discipline and self-control. Don’t be deceived by the messages you hear all around you, either for yourself or your children. It is possible to live pure lives even in this world.

Remember, Jesus knows where we live. He knows we are bombarded with illicit sex all the time; he knows how the standards have been lowered in our society with the sexual revolution. But he also knows that if we lower our standards, we will pay a terrible price, just as many have already.

Don’t lower your standards; don’t be intimidated by the people around you who talk as though free sex is normal and natural. It is not free; it is very costly, and you will pay a high price if you don’t live a pure life.

Jesus knows where you live, and he wants you to remain true to his name right there where you are. He’ll give you the power to do it, so don’t give up.