
We all recognize that a strong self-image is important to us. Knowing who we are and why we’re here is a foundation that is really necessary for living a fulfilled life. I’m pointing out from Scripture just who you are if you are connected to God through faith in Jesus Christ.

We’ve seen that we are God’s intentional creation, we were created for his pleasure, and now, don’t forget that:

You were created for his glory.

Here are a few verses from that Isaiah 43:1-7:

But now, this is what the Lord says – he who created you…he who formed you…’Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine…I am the Lord, your God…you are precious and honored in my sight, because  I love you…everyone who is called by my name, I created for my glory….

We admire the paintings of great artists because of their beauty and creativity. But who gets the glory for the painting? The artist, of course. We don’t give the painting credit; rather we say, “This artist is wonderful; this artist is great.” The masterpiece brings glory to the artist.

That’s why you and I are here—to bring glory to our Creator. Maybe you’re thinking, “But Mary, there’s no way that I can glorify God because my life is a mess. You just don’t know all the mistakes I’ve made, all the things I’ve done wrong. My past is too awful for me to be able to bring glory to God.”

Ah, but don’t you see, the less he has to work with, the more God gets the glory for the workmanship! And he is masterful at taking ashes and turning them into beauty. He is incredible at transforming ruined lives into testimonies of his greatness.

When your life has been transformed by the power of Jesus Christ, you bring glory to God. Don’t forget, you were created for God’s glory.