
So many are now forced into a position they never dreamed would happen—they’ve lost a good job because of the pandemic and now they’re looking for another one at a time when there may be lots of competition.

First I want to address the emotional issues you face when you’re in such a situation. Let’s face it: Our jobs are a large part of who we are. Much of our identity is derived from the work we do, and there is something affirming about getting up each morning, knowing you have a job and a place where you are needed and expected, with a paycheck at certain intervals to meet your needs. And when that is taken away from you, especially if it is unexpected and truly through no fault of your own, you can really get down on yourself and become extremely discouraged and even depressed.

If that’s where you are today, let me assure you that your feelings are normal. Most anyone will have that same initial response to a lost job. Your mind and emotions have been put through a wringer, and so you need to give yourself a break and realize that your reactions are to be expected.

But of course, you can’t afford to wallow in that kind of depressed state. This is a time when you need to work harder than ever, be more disciplined than ever, and more positive. How do you get over those feelings of worthlessness, anger, betrayal, rejection—all of these emotions which you no doubt are experiencing? You need to tap into the power that is yours, if you are a disciple of Jesus Christ. If you are born from above through faith in Christ, you have an advantage over others who are job hunting on their own, because you have an internal power house to motivate you and energize you.

So, with some of that freed-up time you now have, use it for more time in God’s Word, more time in prayer, and more time fellowshipping with other believers. You may not feel like doing it, but you really need to do it anyway. That will feed your inner person and strengthen you mentally and emotionally, and you need that strength now in this new job of finding a job.

(We have a pulled together some resources that will be helpful for you in your job search.  Click here to download the pdf.)