I live in Savannah, GA and I have been working on a job for 8 years. I accepted Jesus into my life years ago and it has been a journey of healing and growth. There are certain issues that I had not dealt with before and I felt alone in a lot of respects because I want to please and glorify the Lord in my work and in every area of my life. I have been accosted from spiritual forces that I don’t understand and they have tried to keep me focused on things that are not of God. I find myself praying all the time, but so much so that I feel beset from all sides because I am working with people who are not Christian. Because of this, I am being rendered expendable even though I have been prayerful and forthright. It is difficult at times because of the isolation but I am prayerful. I have prayed for folks and I have forgiven those who spitefully use me. I feel like I need prayer because it has been a tormenting and traumatizing experience.