I pray for forgiveness for some major mistakes of my past, which I’ve fully repented from. I know God has a bigger plan through these trials of putting me on higher ground with strengthened perspective and insight. Pray that I will continue to build up from here and be worthy of the fruits of my labor.

Pray also for me and my significant other that we can overcome scars we have – from our past together and from our childhood – so we can a build strong, God-honoring marriage together. Pray for our communication to be healthy, for us to grow in our love for one another, for us to patient and accepting of one another, and for us to encourage each other to grow towards God.

Pray for my continued healing from social anxieties and mental paranoias. Pray for my friendships to be strengthened and healthy, and that God will heal each friend in their individual struggles. Pray for my loved ones who have strayed from God to return to Him.

Pray also for our families: protection, healing, strength, understanding, prosperity, and wisdom, and that we can love and accept one another rather than condemn.