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Annoying Habits of Co-Workers

January 7, 2013

I often think of the famous quote from Charlie Brown: “I love mankind; it’s people I can’t stand.” And you know, it’s the everyday little annoying habits of the people we associate with that can be more tiresome, more frustrating than more...

Fran & Jesus on the Job: Gossip Part II

January 7, 2013

In talking about the tongue, James warns us: "Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark."  Fran’s tongue is the small spark that has set some fires going, as she has spread some gossip handed...

Fran & Jesus on the Job: Gossip Part I

January 7, 2013

Just a quick background update for those who may be new to the Fran story. Fran is a single mom with two school age children. Her husband was tragically killed in an auto accident several years ago now, and so Fran went...

Priority Number Two: Loving Others

January 7, 2013

In Mark 12 Jesus is asked which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” He answered:   “The most important one is this: ‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart...

Priority Number One: Loving God

November 27, 2012

Let me begin by reading the quote from Jesus when an expert in the law tested him with this question: “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” And Jesus answered:   “The most important one is this: ‘Hear, O Israel,...

Are You Tired?

November 27, 2012

Being tired is something we all face. It’s reflected in our voices, in our faces, in our body language, in our attitudes—it affects all areas of our lives.   First, let me assure you that it’s okay to be tired. Jesus was...

Dealing with Foolish People – Part II

November 27, 2012

Part II   Someone has said that relationships are the sandpaper of our lives. Well, if some of your relationships are with people who are foolish, for sure they can rub you the wrong way and cause some grief and aggravation. We...

Dealing with Foolish People – Part I

November 27, 2012

Part I There was a man named Esau. He was a twin, and since he was the first-born twin, he was in line to receive the honor and inheritance of the firstborn son. However, Esau was a foolish man. He was far more...

Saying “No” Without Guilt

November 19, 2012

PROGRAM D-6710   When it’s time to say “no,” how can you say it without offending anyone? We’ve talked about the difficulty many of us have with saying “no.” Now I want to talk about the best way to say “no.”...

Saying “No” Without Guilt

November 19, 2012

PROGRAM D-6709   Why is it hard for us to say “no”? We’re delving into this topic, so that we can be set free from the bondage of saying “yes” to everything and everyone and becoming burned out and ineffective...

Saying “No” Without Guilt

November 19, 2012

PROGRAM D-6708   Many of us have a lot of trouble knowing how and when to set boundaries, and we end up trying to be super-people and find ourselves exhausted, discouraged, depressed and ready to quit!    Ephesians 2:10 says...

Saying “No” Without Guilt

November 19, 2012

PROGRAM D-6707   Do you feel as though you are always carrying a load of responsibilities and work that keep you exhausted and frustrated? If that describes you, it could be because you’ve never learned how to say “no.”   I often...

Saying “No” Without Guilt

November 19, 2012

PROGRAM D-6706   Do you have difficulty saying no? Many of us feel obligated to be everything everyone thinks we should be and do everything everyone thinks we should do! For years I thought I was supposed to do whatever anyone...

Perception Does Not Equal Reality

November 19, 2012

PROGRAM D-6705   In our work environments it’s easy to hear—or speak—unkind things about managers, coworkers, customers, people in other departments as though it is indeed the truth, when in fact it is just a perception, and frequently it’s an...

Perception Does Not Equal Reality

November 19, 2012

PROGRAM D-6704   Someone once told me that a couple of people who had met me months before—very briefly—had said that I was not at all friendly. For about 24 hours it bothered me immensely. What had I done? What had I said? I...

Perception Does Not Equal Reality

November 19, 2012

PROGRAM D-6703   All day long every day, we are all in the process of forming impressions of other people, and of course, other people are forming impressions of us. Those impressions may or may not be accurate, but frequently we...

Perception Does Not Equal Reality

November 19, 2012

PROGRAM D-6702   How many times has someone said something to you like, "You know, she’s not a very friendly person"? I find her to be rather cold." Now, that’s someone else’s perception of a certain person that they are freely inflicting...

Perception Does Not Equal Reality

November 19, 2012

PROGRAM D-6701   One of the truisms I have often talked about in business training seminars is that perception equals reality. But lately I’ve been made acutely aware that our perceptions of people and things do not equal reality in many...

Leave Your Waterpot Behind

November 19, 2012

PROGRAM D-6700   What burden are you carrying with you today? I know that many of you are weighed down with some heavy burdens and you’re finding it difficult to keep going. I want to remind you of a familiar story in...

Knowing But Not Doing

November 19, 2012

PROGRAM D-6699   Would you knowingly invite a hurricane to destroy your home? Silly question. But many people are doing something far more disastrous—opening the doors of their lives to chaos and collapse. That couldn’t possibly be you, could it? I want to...

Is Jesus on Board?

November 19, 2012

PROGRAM D-6698   I’d like to point out an interesting situation I noticed in John 6:16-17. It reads: "When evening came, his disciples went down to the lake, where they got into a boat and set off across the lake for...