
Do you know that you are the one Jesus loves? The Apostle John referred to himself as the one whom Jesus loves because that was his identity. If you asked him, “Who are you?,” he would say, “I am the one Jesus loves.”

I want to challenge you to see yourself as the one Jesus loves. Knowing Jesus loves you, living in the reality that you are personally known and loved by God, is simply life-changing. It gives you confidence; it gives you courage; it gives you comfort; it brings meaning and assurance and hope to your life.

When Lazarus was ill, the sisters sent for Jesus and they said, “Lord, the one you love is sick” (John 11:3b). That was their appeal to Jesus—they appealed on the basis that they knew Jesus loved Lazarus.

How do you approach Jesus? Do you pray: “Lord, the one you love needs you.” Or “Lord, I come to you because I’m the one you love and I know you care about me.” How do you see yourself? Can you say it out loud: “I’m the one Jesus loves.”

What difference would it make in your life if you truly begin to bask in the daily knowledge that you are the one Jesus loves? Judah Smith writes: “People who know that Jesus loves them, who know that Jesus is with them and for them—those people can not only endure pain and loss and difficulty, they can come out the other side stronger and better people.” (Jesus Is_______.  p.159)

And here’s a really important point: When we are sure of God’s love for us, we are set free to love others. And this is how the world knows that we are disciples of Jesus Christ—by the love we have for others.

One of the great side benefits of seeing your identity as the one Jesus loves, and living in the freedom of that knowledge, is that it just sets you free from yourself. Did you realize that you are the biggest problem you have? It’s true for all of us. And when you can get over yourself, when you are so confident that you’re valued and special and significant because you are loved by Jesus, then you simply are going to move into the joy of self-forgetfulness. And when you don’t have to think about yourself so much, you are set free to think about others.