

I’ve been exploring our attitude toward work; specifically, do we see our work as a means of worship? The truth is, we were created with work in mind. Part of your reason for existing is to work.

Ephesians 2:10 says we were created in Christ Jesus to do good works. You and I were created not only to be, but to work. We see throughout all Scripture that God was and is a working God. Since we were created in God’s image, we are to be working people. But it’s our attitude toward our work which determines whether our work is an expression of worship or not.

The Bible says that God created the earth and everything in it. This, then, includes work, so there is no sacred/secular dichotomy with God. Our work and worship were designed to be seamless. Yes, it’s true that work was affected by sin and the curse which resulted. What was designed by God to be good, pleasant, and fulfilling was changed; now it often seems dreary and tiresome. But we can return to the original purpose and attitude toward work because Christ has redeemed us from the curse, including the curse on work.

My challenge to you is to ask God to continually help you to remember that you can do your work as unto the Lord, not unto men. You can do it heartily and with joy because you have a power that is greater than the curse on work. You have the power of the Holy Spirit, dwelling in your body, if you are indeed a new creation in Christ. Because of this, you can redeem your work. It’s a daily commitment, and even several times during the day you may need to remind yourself and renew your determination to do your work as unto the Lord.

My suggestion is that you pray Colossians 3:23-24 into your life each morning before you get to your job. I urge you to do what you need to do to make your work an act of worship. If you do, you are in for some incredible and wonderful changes in you, your influence, and your testimony on your job.