

Christians should be living in the “hot zone” because God hates lukewarmness. Obviously, he doesn’t want us living cold lives, but actually that’s better than lukewarm, because then you might be uncomfortable enough to wake up and realize something is wrong.

How do you live in the “hot zone,” really alive for Jesus? How do you live a dynamic life that is excellent—where you’re using all your gifts, growing all the time, and seeing God pour more abilities and talents into your life? That’s the “hot zone,” and every Christian should be living there.

We do this through the power that is in us. Now, I want you to try to comprehend this power. Romans 8 tells us that the power in us is the Spirit of God: The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is living in you (Romans 8:11).

Think about the power that raised Jesus from the dead. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the greatest miracle of all time—the pivotal event in the history of the world. The mind-blowing reality is that the power which raised Jesus from the dead dwells within the body of every true believer! If you and I have that kind of power within us, why don’t we live in the “hot zone?” We certainly can’t say it’s because we aren’t equipped.

The reason we settle for mediocrity is that knowing Christ and that power of his resurrection in our lives is not our highest priority. Paul cried out, “I want to know him and the power of his resurrection” (Philippians 3:10). We have that power, but most of us don’t really utilize it or experience it because it’s not the all-consuming purpose of our lives.

Are you sick and tired of mediocrity—whether in your job performance, in your relationships, or in your walk with God? If so, first pray that God will continue to make you so sick of it that you’ll hunger and thirst for the power that raised Jesus from the dead to work in your life. Then, when you start to live in the power of the resurrection, you’ll be in the “hot zone”—every area of your life will be above average, excellent, soaring, and growing.

That’s the exciting way to live! It’s a little riskier than mediocrity, and it takes commitment and discipline, but what a way to live! I hope that you will decide to move into the “hot zone” and abandon that sickening state of lukewarmness—for the glory of Jesus Christ!