

Christians are supposed to be enjoyers. I’m sharing with you how you can be a part of God’s “en-crowd,” spelled “en.” We are to be ENcouragers, ENlargers, and now ENjoyers.

Do you enjoy your salvation? David once wrote, “Restore to me the joy of your salvation. . .” (Psalm 51:12). This says that I should enjoy my salvation, but it also tells me that I can have salvation and not enjoy it. Are you enjoying your salvation? If not, consider these possibilities.

We cannot enjoy our salvation if there is sin in our lives. That was David’s problem. In fact, a Christian who harbors sin in his or her life is more miserable than a non-Christian living in sin—because it grieves the Spirit of God within. So, if you’re not enjoying being a Christian, check it out. It may be sin.

Or it may be that you haven’t thought about your salvation lately or purposely determined to enjoy it. How do you do that? By often reciting your testimony, even if it’s just to yourself. Talk about that time when you found Jesus and remember the wonderful things he’s done in your life. Don’t get so bogged down in everyday living that you forget to enjoy your salvation!

When you get together with Christian friends, ask them to tell you how they came to know Jesus, even if you’ve heard it before. Some of my most memorable times with friends are when we sat around a dining room table and shared our testimonies. Many of us have been born-again for years and years, some for a shorter time. What enjoyment it is to listen to other people share their testimony.

Yes, indeed, we need to enjoy our salvation. Jesus told his disciples to “rejoice that your names are written in heaven” (Luke 10:20). I promise you this: If you’ll keep focused on being an enjoyer of what God has done for you, you will be a radiant Christian. Everything else falls into proper perspective when we ENjoy our salvation.