

Did you ever work, or maybe live, with someone who complained all the time? I’m sure that sometimes you just wanted to tell that person, “Get over it!”

A complaining spirit is high on the list of things we need to “get over.” We can slip into a complaining mode so easily that we often don’t even realize it. Before you know it, you’re complaining about the weather, complaining about your job, complaining about your boss, complaining about how much work you have to do—etc., etc., etc.

Here’s my challenge to you: For one day make a commitment that you will get through that entire day without complaining about anything. Not one negative, complaining word will come out of your mouth. Pray about it early in the morning. Pray Ephesians 4:29, like this, “Lord, today I pray that no unwholesome talk will come out of my mouth, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that I may benefit those who listen.

Then notice how many times during the day you start to complain—it will probably surprise you to discover that it happens more frequently than you thought it would. I have done this myself, and I was shocked to see how often I said things like, “I don’t feel good,” or “I’ll never get this all done,” or “I wish I didn’t have to do this.” Way too much of what I thought and said was complaining. But once the Holy Spirit began to make me sensitive to my complaining tendency, then through his power I began to change.

I still have to watch it, believe me, because none of us ever gets beyond the tendency to complain. But Paul wrote to the Philippians that we are to rejoice in the Lord always, and we are to be thankful in all circumstances. Rejoicing and being thankful will keep you from complaining.

So, if you tend to complain a lot—or even a little—my word to you today is, “Get over it!” Put it behind you. Move on to the good things God has done for you. It will transform you, and those who have to work or live with you will notice the difference.