

How do you help someone who has messed up her life and can’t see her way out? That’s the dilemma that Fran finds herself in as we continue the story of Fran and Jesus on the Job. At a weekend women’s retreat, God brings Fran together with a new friend, Cynthia, who is a single mom and is very troubled. Fran discovers that she has been having an affair with a married man, and now is worried that she may be pregnant.

After Fran strongly advises her to sever the relationship with this man, Cynthia says to her, “But I’ve tried many times to stop seeing him, and I just can’t. I mean, I really love him and he really loves me.”

“You’re telling yourself some lies there Cynthia, and you need to know that,” Fran says. “First, you can stop seeing him. You have to change your phone to an unlisted number, move if you have to, go to another church if you have to—simply say NO. So, don’t keep telling yourself that you can’t stop seeing him. Of course you can,”

Fran continues: “And it really doesn’t matter whatsoever whether you think he loves you or you love him. This relationship is wrong, it is sinful, and you have no right to steal this man’s affection from his wife.”

“I didn’t steal him,” Cynthia starts to object. “He called me.”

“And you could have hung up the first time he called and you’d never be in this predicament,” Fran says. “I don’t mean to be tough on you, Cynthia, but until you are willing to accept the responsibility that is yours and call this what it is—a sin against God—you’ll just continue to mire in this mess and make matters worse.”

Cynthia begins to sob. Fran feels like she has upset her with her tough talk, but Jesus says, “Fran, the truth often hurts. Let Cynthia hear what you’ve said.” So, they sit in silence for a few minutes.

“I suppose I could get an abortion,” Cynthia whispers. “Then it would be easier to break up with him.”

“Oh, Cynthia, no, no!” Fran begs. “Don’t even once let that thought enter your mind. If you are pregnant, that child is a life inside of you. You cannot take that life. No, Cynthia, no. You will never forgive yourself.”

“But Fran, that’s easy for you to say. You’re not in my shoes,” Cynthia looks at Fran.

Fran doesn’t know how to respond. It’s true, she’s never had to make that decision, but does that mean she can’t advise Cynthia to make the right choice? What do you think?