
Fran’s coworker, Jack, is a Christian but his life is not exemplary. Jesus showed Fran she must first respond to Jack in love, and then through Galatians 6:1, she was encouraged to speak one-on-one with Jack about these problems.

But when she did, Jack responded in a very defensive manner and basically told Fran to mind her own business. It feels like she did something wrong. Otherwise, it would have had a happy ending—right?

But the Lord has quietly reminded her that even though Jack showed a hostile reaction, she doesn’t know what’s going on in his heart.

That evening she shared her experience with Louise and they both prayed over the phone for Jack. “You know, Louise,” Fran says, “the important thing is Jack’s relationship with Jesus, not how his life affects our witness at work.”

“You’re right, Fran,” Louise says. “Let’s covenant to keep praying for him.”

“Absolutely,” Fran replies. She’s able to go to bed with a better feeling about the whole situation.

Two days pass by and Fran doesn’t even see Jack. But then he calls her. “Fran, could you have coffee with me after work?” When they’re alone, Jack says, “Fran, I’ve been so miserable since we had lunch.”

“Oh, Jack, I’m sorry,” Fran starts to respond.

“No, no,” he interrupts, “you don’t owe me an apology. You were right. I have been dishonest and greedy and….” Jack fights to keep back the tears.

“Oh, Jack, all you have to do is tell Jesus and you’re forgiven.”

“I know,” he says, “I’ve done that. Now, I ask you to forgive me. Money is a real problem with me, Fran. It’s not going to be easy to change, but….”

“I promise you, Jack,” Fran says, “I will pray for you daily and you can talk to me any time you please. If I can help you in any way, I will.”

Fran goes home that evening with a joyful heart and a renewed commitment to pray for Jack. “Lord,” she prays, “when I thought nothing was happening, you were working in Jack’s heart. Help me to remember the lessons I’ve learned through this, and help me to truly pray for Jack as I promised.”