
Fran, is talking to her coworker, Jack, who is very vocal about being a Christian but often dishonest in his business life. After reading Galatians 6:1, she feels the Lord would have her talk to him one-on-one in a gentle way, so she has invited him to lunch today.

After her confrontation, Jack looks stunned. “Who told you I’ve been cheating on my expense accounts?” he asks. “That’s a lie. And I never lied about Bernie. I know he’s been saying that, but he’s the liar!”

“Look, Jack,” Fran says, “I’m not here to argue about these things, but it’s just so important that we live a completely upright and blameless life among non-believers. And believe me, I don’t always do it right. For example, I’ve had to apologize a couple of times to my coworkers for losing my temper and saying things I shouldn’t. So, all I’m saying is….”

“All you’re saying is you’re the perfect Christian and I’m not. Sorry if I’m not perfect like you, Fran,” Jack says sarcastically.

“Jack, I’m not perfect; I just told you that, but your lack of honesty is pretty widespread knowledge. Many people have mentioned it to me, and I just felt it was important to confront you, as your sister in Christ,” Fran feels her heart sinking.

“Well, Fran, what I do is none of your business,” Jack says in anger.

“No, that’s not true, Jack,” Fran replies. “We’re both part of the body of Christ, and what we do affects each other. Besides, Jack, I care about you, and I just want to encourage you to get these things out in the open and deal with them.”

“Frankly, Fran,” Jack says, “you’re just sticking your nose in where you’re not welcome.”

“But Jack,” Fran answers, “Jesus said we are to go to each other when there is a problem….”

“So, since this is none of your business,” Jack interrupts, “this matter is closed. Understand, Fran? Closed.”

And with that he throws his money on the table and walks out. “Oh great, Lord,” Fran puts her head in her hands, “I’ve really blown it.”

She feels terrible, but the Spirit of God comforts her. She is reminded that she followed the guidance of the Lord, she dealt with Jack in a gentle way. Now, how he responds is between him and the Lord.