
Fran is learning how to deal with a coworker, Jack, who lets everyone know he’s a Christian, and then is very dishonest and deceptive in his business dealings.

After realizing how prideful and unloving she has been toward Jack, Fran prays for him this morning. “Lord,” she says, “help me to see Jack the way you see him and to love him, as you have commanded me to do.” In reading the Bible that morning, Fran reads Galatians 6:1: “…if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently.” “Well,” she says to Jesus, “I don’t think it’s a coincidence I was reading this chapter today, Lord?” He prompts her to look up another passage that comes to mind.

“Where is that verse,” she asks herself, as she researches her concordance. “Ah, here it is: Matthew 18:15-16: “If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.”

“Well,” Fran says, “I guess I need to talk to Jack, right Lord?” She looks at that passage in Galatians 6:1 again. “But I have to restore him gently. Help me, Lord.”

All morning long Fran is thinking about how best to approach Jack. Not coincidentally, Jack comes to ask her a question about one of her accounts. As the conversation is ending, Fran says, “Jack, are you busy for lunch today?” He said no and they agreed to meet at the coffee shop.

As their sandwiches are delivered, Fran works up her courage and says, “Jack, this morning as I was reading the Bible, I felt that the Lord wanted me to talk privately to you about something.” She quoted Galatians 6:1 to him and continued. “Are you aware that several people in the company have found you to be dishonest and deceptive? For example, I’ve been told that you consistently cheat on your expense accounts and you lied to Marilyn about Bernie.”

Well, she’s jumped in with both feet now and there’s no turning back. Her stomach is churning. “Lord,” she whispers to Jesus, “please help me to be gentle.”