
Fran spent most of the night reading, analyzing financial statements – anything she could do to learn more about Mitchell’s Camera Shops.

She wakes up early, feeling too excited to sit still. But Fran has learned that especially on these kinds of high-stress days, she needs some quiet time with the Lord to center herself and get his perspective.

In those quiet moments, he says to her, “Now remember, Fran, the outcome of this meeting is not the most important thing in your life, right? You have me, you have two terrific kids, you have a supportive family. Your future does not rest on this job, or on this new prospect, or on this meeting with Jim. Your future is in my hands, not his. Keep that clearly in your mind all day long, and you’ll be calm no matter what happens.” Jesus’ words really help Fran get her eternal focus, and she feels very prepared for the day ahead.

She and Jesus arrive at the office and head for the conference room. Marilyn introduces her to Jim, the Vice President, who is much younger than she imagined. He shakes her hand and gives her a disarming smile. She is aware that he is checking her out, and all of a sudden she is self-conscious, worrying about how she looks.

They sit at the conference table, and Fran gets her notes out. As she does, she sees Jesus, sitting right there beside her, and the knowledge of his presence helps her calm down.

Jim starts the discussion, “Tell me, Fran, what do you know about Mitchell’s?” And with that, a long morning of questions and answers begins. Fran feels as though she’s being drilled. At times she thinks Jim is trying to catch her in a mistake or make her look stupid. But she feels confident about her answers, and only two or three times did she have to say, “I don’t know, but I can find out.”

Just before lunch, Marilyn leaves the meeting for a prior commitment, and Jim turns to Fran and asks, “Well, where do we go for lunch?”

Fran suggested they have lunch sent up from the cafeteria, and work through. But Jim says, “I think we need to get away for lunch. It’s your territory so I’ll let you choose the restaurant – but make sure it’s a nice place.”

Fran feels uncomfortable. She suggests they bring another co-worker along, to help with the strategy, but Jim overrides her suggestion and says, “Let’s keep it simple – just us two.”