

I’ve often said that I can handle the big stuff pretty well, but it’s the little crises that take me under.  Are you that way?  Common energy leaks—the things we do or don’t do—waste our energy and cause us to be stressed out, upset, irritated, tired and hard to get along with!  Here’s:

Energy Leak #4 – Letting the Little Things Upset You

It’s amazing how easily we allow little things to drain all of our energy, whether it’s socks left on the floor, or someone cutting us off in traffic, or an inconsiderate statement made to us.  Our days are full of “little things,” and we really must learn to get perspective on them or they’ll often just pull the plug and waste all our energy.

Here’s my rule of thumb which I use to keep me from being obsessive about little things.  I ask myself:  What difference is this going to make in 24 hours?  And if I can’t come up with a 24-hour difference, then I don’t allow myself to spend any energy on it.  I can’t get angry, upset, frustrated or hurt, because it just doesn’t matter that much.

Paul wrote to the Colossians: “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things” (Colossians 3:2).  In other words, don’t get mired down in the small stuff that really doesn’t matter.  It wastes your time and energy.

Energy Leak #5 – Trying to Carry Your Own Burdens

You may have heard my message entitled “If It’s Not Light, It’s Not Right.”  I’ve often tried to remind you that when you try to carry your heavy burdens, you will find yourself exhausted and unable to cope.  The reason is, Jesus never intended for you to carry heavy burdens.  You’re not built for heavy burdens; he is.  Listen to what he says:

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30:).

Couldn’t be much clearer, could it?  He doesn’t want you dragging those heavy burdens around, and when you do, you waste so much energy.  What burdens are on your heart today?  We all have them in some size or another.  Can you by faith just drop them right where you are?  You may have to drop them several times a day; that’s okay, just exchange them for his burden, which is light and easy.