

What can you do to make yourself more valuable to your employer? Are you good at managing your time? In these days of high unemployment, doing anything you can to keep the job you have is a really smart idea.

If you are good at managing your time, that means you are productive, you follow up and you don’t allow things to fall through the cracks. It means you prioritize your work and know what should be on the front burner and what can wait. A good time manager has a plan for each day and works that plan, and believe me that is a highly valued skill to any employer.

Good time management begins with a daily plan where you write down everything you have to do, put time frames on it, determine priorities, and check it off as it gets done. Frankly, I would be useless without my daily to-do list. Of course, there are many sophisticated, technological ways to keep track of your daily plan. Doesn’t matter what method you use, just make sure you have a daily plan and you use it. It gives clarity to your work for each day, you know what needs to get done first, and you feel good when you can check them off your list.

A valuable employee is one who recognizes the value of time and works quickly. I was observing some workers recently as I was in a waiting room, and I couldn’t believe how slowly they moved, how leisurely they passed information to a co-worker, how unprofessional they were about just doing the job with some sense of time and urgency. Obviously you can work too fast and not do a good job, but time truly is money, and if you have a reputation for making good use of your time, believe me, it will not go unnoticed!

You may not be the smartest employee, or have the most experience, or be the most educated, but you can still make yourself a very valuable employee by doing the basic things mentioned in this devotional.
