
Program D-7792

When your world is turned upside down in a moment’s time, what do you do? Fran got that dreaded phone call this afternoon, saying that her dad has been rushed to a hospital from his office. She and her mom are now headed to the hospital.

As they are on the way, Fran asks, “Did they give you any further information, Mom? I mean, did he just faint? Was that all they told you?”

“That’s all they said to me, Fran, and they just encouraged me to go to the hospital for additional information,” she says, with the tears now coming down her face. “He told me this morning that he was a little dizzy, and he stumbled and almost fell coming down the stairs, but he insisted it was nothing. We didn’t think anything about it. What do you think it is, Fran?”

Fran’s mind is racing. What could it be? A stroke? A heart-attack? Maybe just something he ate. “Mom, let’s not let our imaginations run wild until we see him. Let me pray.” As they drive to the hospital, Fran prays for peace for the two of them and for wisdom for those caring for her dad. And of course, she prays it will be nothing serious.

Walking into the emergency room, they expect to see her dad right away, but they are told that he is with a medical team and someone will give them an update shortly. Shortly means five minutes, right? Well, this “shortly” lasts over an hour, and Fran and her mom have to sit in a room with lots of other people, not knowing exactly where her dad is or what is happening. Several times Fran asks the person at the desk for information, and each time they give her the same answer: someone will be with you soon to give you an update.

She and her mom agree that the delay is not a good sign but they try not to think or talk about the possible bad report; instead, they silently pray for good news. Finally they call her mom’s name and direct them to a private room where they meet with two doctors who have attended her dad. “Mrs. Taylor,” they address her mom, “it appears your husband has experienced a stroke. We are running several tests to get a better idea of the severity, the location, and what the best treatment should be. We just can’t give you much more information until we get some test results. We’re doing everything we can.”

They bombard the doctors with many questions, but they seem reluctant to say anything more until they have more information. It could be hours; they might be able to see him soon; not sure when the tests will be done—they can get no answers to their questions, and so they are once again left to wait.