

Fran is a workplace woman learning to practice the presence of Jesus in her everyday job. Her story helps us learn to talk to Jesus about everything and to apply his Word to our struggles, on and off the job.

Fran’s co-worker and sister in Christ, Louise, has asked to have lunch with Fran today, and Fran senses something is wrong. As they meet, Fran says to Louise, “You looked worried. I have a feeling something is bothering you.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” Louise agrees. “Fran, you know how Marilyn made such a point in the staff meeting last week about expense accounts, and she said we had to have receipts for everything, and we had to abide by the guidelines for the cost of meals.”

“Yeah,” Fran replies. “She told me that they’re really having to watch every penny these days.”

“Well,” Louise says, lowering her voice, “Jerry is—well, he’s lying about his expenses, charging personal meals to the company and stuff like that, and then putting things on his expense accounts without a receipt. And we had some words about it today.” Jerry is the senior account manager that Louise works with. While she reports to Marilyn, she is assigned to work with Jerry.

“What kind of words?” Fran asks.

“Well, I attached a note to his expense account to remind him of the guidelines, asked him for the receipts and for explanations of who the meals were with, etc.,” Louise explains. “Then he calls me in his office, and says ‘Since when are you telling me what can and cannot be on my expense accounts? I’ve been working for this company for twelve years and I’m not having someone question my expenses. You just sign it and turn it in, Louise,’ he said. ‘You’re not the expense police.'”

“Oh, great,” Fran says to Louise, “he really put you in a tough spot. What happened then?”

“Oh, Fran, I’m ashamed to tell you, but I didn’t have the guts to stand up to him. He is so intimidating, so I just took the report and said I’d see what I could do. I just walked out, and I should have stood up to him.”

“Louise, don’t be so hard on yourself,” Fran comforts her. “I probably would have done the same thing.”

“But Fran, I didn’t do the right thing,” Louise says.

“Louise, you were caught totally off-guard and that’s understandable. Besides, you haven’t signed the report yet, have you?” Fran asks.

“No, it’s still sitting on my desk, but it’s due tomorrow,” Louise says. “Now, what am I going to do?”

Fran says, “Look, Louise, we need to pray about this, don’t we. Why don’t you come over to the house tonight, and we’ll talk and pray about it. This is important.”