

Did you ever know someone who would push you and push you and push you until you’re on the edge? We’re examining appropriate boundaries for our lives, through the story of Fran and Jesus on the Job. Fran has the somewhat misplaced conception that as a Christ-follower, she should try to do what anyone asks of her. After all, she thinks, isn’t that what Jesus meant when he told us in the Sermon on the Mount that we should go the extra mile?

It’s Tuesday and Fran has a plate full of things to get done for one of her most important clients before a deadline on Wednesday. As she digs in with a plan to make it happen, a co-worker walks into her office.

“Hey, Fran, how’s it going?”

It’s Amy, a nice gal who is a project manager like Fran, but who somehow always seems to need help from others—especially Fran!

“Hi, Amy. Well, it’s going good, but I’m under the gun to meet a deadline by tomorrow. How are things going for you?”

Uh-oh, Fran thinks, that was probably not the best question to ask. So, Amy begins to slowly talk about a presentation she is preparing for a new prospect tomorrow, but she is stumped. As she explains her dilemma, Fran feels it coming—Amy is going to ask for her help. And sure enough, she does.

“Fran, I know you’re busy, but you’re so smart and so fast, if you could just look over my presentation and give me your opinion, I would be so grateful. I really need to get this account; my manager says if my sales don’t pick up, my job could be at risk—well, at least he implied that. It won’t take you ten minutes. How about it?”

The voice in her head says, “Don’t go there, Fran. This is a time to say no.” But her exaggerated idea of what it means to “go the extra mile” overcomes her better sense, and she agrees that she can give Amy ten minutes.

What happens? Ten minutes turns into three hours, where basically Fran completely redesigns her presentation, makes it much stronger, and Amy is thrilled.

“Sorry it took so long, Fran, but I know you’ll do a great job on your project. Thanks so much,” and off she goes. Now Fran has to take her work home, take time away from her family and her sleep in order to meet her own deadline.

Do you think maybe Fran needs to learn how to set boundaries? Maybe you do, too.