

The next morning, Fran talks with Jesus early in her day saying, “You know, Lord, I had hoped I could tell Sue about you last night. She really needs you, Lord, but . . . I don’t know, she didn’t seem to want to listen. She just wanted to talk about Ed.”

“Fran, you’re sowing seeds. You did the right thing to listen to Sue. You showed her love and that’s what she needed last night,” Jesus assures Fran.

“Yes, but I don’t want her to think I approve of her relationship with Ed. She was living in sin, and it’s a good thing he left, you know,” Fran says.

“Yes, I know, but listening to someone’s hurts doesn’t mean you approve of their lifestyle. Don’t worry; Sue knows how you feel about her relationship. Last night she needed to know that you cared and loved her unconditionally,” Jesus replies.

“Okay, but I hope someday to be able to lead her to know you, Jesus.”

“Yes, well, you certainly earned your right last night, Fran, so keep praying for her,” Jesus says.

After a few more minutes in prayer, Fran gets her day going—a little weary, but feeling good about her evening with Sue.

As she arrives at the office, Fran remembers there’s a department meeting this morning. “Oops, better get into that meeting before I’m late,” she says, and hurries to the conference room.

It seems the only chair available is right next to Bud, head of operations. Fran is not terribly fond of Bud: he’s crude, to put it mildly, uses profanity a lot, and shares dirty jokes when he has a chance.

“Oh, Fran, don’t tell me you’re going to sit next to me,” Bud says as she sits down. “Be careful, you might catch something.” Bud always tries to get to Fran, and it seems as soon as she gets near, his language gets worse.

She tries to ignore his comment, but he immediately uses the Lord’s name in a blasphemous way. Fran winces at his words. “Oh, ‘scuse me, Fran, I forgot you’re a Jesus freak. Didn’t mean to hurt your feelings,” Bud says, with obvious sarcasm.

Lord, Fran whispers to Jesus, am I supposed to just sit here and let Bud get by with this profane use of your name?

Stay calm, Jesus replies, I’ll tell you what to say.