
Program D-7275

Have you ever noticed how often Jesus went away with his disciples for rest and renewal?  My Pastor challenged us at the beginning of this year to read the New Testament in 40 days, and as I did that, I was once again struck by the number of times Jesus would get alone with his disciples for some down time.  After all, he was fully man as well as fully God, so in that human body he got tired and he needed time away from the crowds.

The disciples needed that alone time with him, too, when they could simply listen to him, ask him questions, and get to know him better.  God was preparing them for an enormous task of spreading the Gospel after the resurrection, and they truly needed those times of refreshment and spiritual renewal.

We do, too, don’t we?  That’s why we’ve been hosting The Christian Working Woman Weekend Getaway for 27 years, because it truly is a time to get away from our everyday hectic lives and hear God’s voice.  This year our getaway is scheduled for April 17 – 19 – just about a month away – and we would love for you to join us.  Women come from across the country each year, and I love the diversity of the women.  It is a rich time of fellowship and worship, and lots of laughter.

Are you ready for some down time—a time of refreshing from the Lord—when your spirit can be revived?  Well, this weekend is for you.  We have wonderful speakers and workshops planned, great music, and opportunities to just talk to other women like yourself.  Honestly, the fellowship you have with other women is one of the greatest benefits of this special weekend.