

You’re probably aware that there’s no biblical institution called “Christmas.”  Christmas is a tradition that people have developed through the ages, but the word is never found in the Bible.

Jesus never told us to set aside a day or time to celebrate his birth. Nowhere in the history of the early church do we see any indication that they celebrated the birth of Jesus. With Christmas shopping and celebrating in full swing right now, we need to ask ourselves: Should those of us who truly know the meaning of the birth of Christ be a part of these Christmas celebrations? I will share my thoughts with you.

I don’t believe it is necessarily wrong for us to celebrate Christmas and join in some of the traditions that have arisen. Jesus participated in some traditions of his day. And it is a biblical principle to remember what God has done for us in the past. So, if we use Christmas as a way to remind ourselves of how Jesus came into this world in order to become our Savior, it certainly can be a meaningful time for us.

However, for one who has accepted Jesus Christ as his or her Savior and knows him personally, the celebration of his birth should always be coupled with the remembrance of his death and resurrection, for without that, his birth has no meaning. Jesus came to die. And Jesus did instruct us to remember his death and resurrection until he comes again.

Many people who join in Christmas celebrations are quite willing to sing the Christmas carols and talk about a baby in a manger, but they’re not at all willing to deal with Jesus Christ beyond the manger. As Christians we should use every opportunity we have at this Christmas season to share with others why Christmas is important. And we should continually remind ourselves that as that baby he took on the form of man so that he could die for us in our place and become our Redeemer.

The true celebration of Christmas for a Christian includes the cross and the empty tomb. In the midst of your busy Christmas schedule, don’t let that truth escape you. The birth of Jesus has no meaning or power except that he came to die and he rose again.