

How do you know when it’s time to change jobs? We’re looking at ten checkpoints that can help us make an objective assessment of our job satisfaction level, so that we make the right decision about changing jobs or not.

Checkpoint #9: Do you feel totally exhausted at the end of a typical day, or just reasonably tired?

Feeling tired from a good day’s work is not a bad thing. We were created by God to work, and the feelings of accomplishment that come from putting in a full, hard workday are often very satisfying. I know on days when I have that feeling of accomplishing a lot, even though my mind and body may feel a bit weary, I go home with lots of satisfaction in what I did.

However, if total exhaustion is typical for you most every workday, you need to do some reassessment. It’s difficult to like a job that saps all your strength and energy.

Checkpoint #10: Even though there may be some repetitive or boring parts about your job, for the most part, are you stimulated and challenged by the work that you do?

You’ll never find a job that doesn’t have some boring aspects to it. Don’t let those things blind you to the things about the job that you really do like.

Finding a job that interests you, work that makes a positive contribution, work that is valued—those are all key aspects in job satisfaction. Some expect too much of a job, and then when one thing is missing, they fail to appreciate the good things they do have.

There you have it: Ten checkpoints to determine your level of job satisfaction. After you’ve considered these, the most important check point is to pray about your job. Seek God’s guidance as to what his plan is for you. Is God using you at your workplace as a light in a dark world? That could be all the job satisfaction you need to determine that you’re in the right place. On the other hand, it could be a well-paying job that looks good on paper, but one that is bringing much grief and trouble into your life. God may be leading you out of that kind of situation.

The good news is that God cares about your job and your job satisfaction; however, he wants you to look at it through Forever Eyes—from an eternal perspective—and make choices based on what is important not just for now, but also for eternity.